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How do you prepare for the interview to ensure you're ready to sell the job and culture to the candidate? It's important to set the stage for the interview and create a positive first impression. The interview process is a two-way street - the candidate is evaluating you and your company just as much as you're evaluating them. Here are some things you can do to make sure the applicant has a positive experience:
Greeting & Logistics
First, be sure to communicate any logistics or details about the interview ahead of time. If you follow our pre-screening process from our Foundations in Team Engagement course, you’ll have already conveyed to the candidate where to go, who they will be meeting with, and what to expect during the interview. This will help them feel more prepared and less anxious.
Furthermore, we also let applicants know that our interview questions will be focused around our core values and to help them prepare, we email them a copy so they can familiarize themselves with the information and be prepared to answer questions during the interview. If you have not yet converted your brand and patient experience goals into a concise set of values, simply share information about your patient experience goals and brand instead.
The Power of First Impressions
Remember, the interview process is a two-way street. While candidates are evaluating your company, you're also showcasing your company to them. Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, offer them something to drink, and be sure to introduce yourself and any other team members who will be part of the interview process.
By setting the tone for a positive and respectful interview, you're laying the groundwork for what's to come – an emotional connection with candidates through powerful storytelling. Stay tuned for our next
blog post, where we'll guide you through the art of crafting emotional connections and meaningful narratives that resonate with candidates and amplify your company culture.
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